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How Much Will I Make As A Facebook Streamer? [A Complete Guide]

April 4, 2024

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Crowdfundly Opengraph image

Static and dynamic content editing

Hi. I’m Seth Godin. I’m a teacher, and I do projects. For more than thirty years, I’ve been trying to turn on lights, inspire people and teach them how to level up – Seth Godin

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

A list looks like this:

  • Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  • Do Permission Marketing
  • Invent, Implement and Sell the Ideas
  • Sell What People Want, Not What They Need
  • Keep Your Customers Happy
  • Deliver Basic Human Wants

A list looks like this:

  1. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  2. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  3. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  4. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  5. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  6. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell

As a Facebook streamer, your earnings can vary based on multiple factors. For instance, with In-Stream Ads, you could earn between $20 to $50 for every 10,000 views, while full-time gaming streamers on Facebook might pocket $2,750 to $5,500 monthly on average. Eligibility criteria and revenue-sharing procedures apply, although the earnings potential remains high. 

You can explore the blog article ahead to learn more about how much you may earn as a Facebook streamer.

How Much Does Facebook Pay Streamers?

How Much Does Facebook Pay Streamers?

Streamers can earn from $20 to $50 for every 10,000 views with In-Stream Ads, and full-time gaming streamers on Facebook can pocket between $2,750 to $5,500 per month on average. 

Facebook compensates streamers through diverse monetization avenues, such as Paid Online Events, Facebook Stars, In-Stream Ads, Brand Sponsorships, and Subscriptions. 

Is Facebook Streaming A Good Career?

Is Facebook Streaming A Good Career?

Becoming a Facebook streamer can be a rewarding career path, especially if you enjoy interacting with and entertaining audiences. The upper echelon of Twitch streamers can earn a substantial income, showcasing the significant earning potential in the industry.

While it may take time to achieve success, streaming offers the unique opportunity to turn a beloved hobby into a profitable venture. Despite potential challenges, the allure of earning while pursuing one's passion remains undeniable.

Entering the streaming scene requires dedication and perseverance, as success may not come overnight. However, for those who break through, the rewards can be extraordinary. Building a dedicated community of followers can lead to a fulfilling and sustainable career.

Streaming on Facebook offers several advantages, including access to a vast audience of over 3 billion monthly active users worldwide. 

Facebook Live videos receive priority placement in followers' news feeds, enhancing visibility and engagement. The platform's live chat feature fosters direct interaction with viewers, building community engagement and trust.

Additionally, Facebook Live's versatility allows streamers from various backgrounds to thrive, whether they're gamers, chefs, artists, entrepreneurs, or public figures.

Detailed analytics provided by Facebook empower streamers to assess their performance and tailor future content to audience preferences.

Facebook Streaming Options I Can Choose From

Facebook Streaming Options I Can Choose From

When it comes to Facebook streaming, there's a diverse array of options to choose from, catering to different interests and talents. Let's delve into the various categories you can explore:

Video Games

Whether you're showcasing your skills in Fortnite, exploring new worlds in Minecraft, or engaging in intense battles in League of Legends, video game streaming attracts a vast audience. However, be prepared for stiff competition and the need for patience to build a loyal viewer base.

Reaction Streamer

If you have a knack for providing entertaining reactions to the latest videos, movie trailers, or memes, then this category might be for you. 

Reacting to trending topics can quickly boost your viewership, although the audience may not always be as loyal as those in gaming streams. Quick wit and staying up-to-date with trends are key in this category.

Music Streamer

For indie musicians or music enthusiasts, streaming your music creations can be a rewarding experience. Audiences craving fresh tunes often flock to music streams, and loyal viewers are known to support their favorite creators generously. 

However, it's essential to avoid copyright issues and engage with your audience to maintain their interest.

Just Chatting Streamer

This category is gaining popularity as audiences enjoy the laid-back atmosphere and personal interaction with their favorite streamers. 

From casual conversations to karaoke nights, the possibilities are endless. To succeed as a 'Just Chatting' streamer, consistent audience interaction and innovative content are crucial to keep viewers engaged.

Niche or Topic Expert

If you possess expertise in a particular niche, whether it's programming, filmmaking, or cooking, streaming can be a platform to share your knowledge and connect with like-minded individuals. 

Niche expert streamers are increasingly gaining traction, offering valuable insights and fostering engaging discussions.

Ultimately, the beauty of streaming lies in its versatility and potential for experimentation. You're not limited to a single category; feel free to explore different genres and blend them creatively to carve out your unique streaming identity and monetize your Facebook. 

Facebook Streaming Monetization Eligibility And Rules 

Facebook Streaming Monetization Eligibility And Rules

Before diving into your Facebook live broadcast, it's crucial to ensure you meet the requirements for Facebook Monetization. Here's what you need to know:

Community Standards

Your content must align with Facebook's Community Standards, meaning it should be free from graphic violence, nudity, and hate speech. Keeping your posts safe is key to unlocking monetization options. 

Partner Monetization Policies

You must reside in an eligible country and be able to receive payments. This policy applies to your entire page, so it's essential to maintain compliance across all content.

Content Monetization Policies

These policies apply to individual pieces of content, including your Facebook Live streams. Ensure your content is free from sexually explicit material and profanity to remain eligible for monetization.

In-Stream Ad Qualification

Facebook frequently updates its rules, so it's wise to regularly check the most current guidelines. You can do this by visiting Creator Studio and navigating to the Monetization tab. To qualify for in-stream ads, your Page must meet specific criteria.

For Video-On-Demand

  • Have at least 5,000 followers.
  • Accumulate 60,000 total minutes viewed in the last 60 days, including on-demand, live, or previously live videos (excluding minutes from crossposted, boosted, or paid watch time).
  • Maintain at least five active videos, which can be on-demand or previously live (excluding active crossposted videos).

For Live Videos

  • Have a minimum of 10,000 followers.
  • Amass 600,000 total minutes viewed in the last 60 days, with at least 60,000 minutes of the total viewed in live videos.
  • Maintain at least five active videos, including at least three previously live videos created by you (excluding active crossposted videos).
  • It's essential to note that in-stream ads for live videos are not available for professional mode profiles at this time.

Once approved for in-stream ads, you must continue to meet the eligibility requirements. Extended periods of inactivity can impact your eligibility, and Facebook reserves the right to revoke access to in-stream ads at its discretion. 

If access is lost, you'll need to meet the initial criteria again to regain monetization privileges.

Ways I Can Make Money As A Facebook Streamer?

Ways I Can Make Money As A Facebook Streamer?

To earn money as a Facebook streamer, you have various options available to you. Let's break them down:

In-Stream Ads

These are short video or banner ads shown before, during, or after your livestream. They are ideal for gaming streams and can generate additional income without much extra effort on your part. 

Facebook streamers can earn money from in-stream ads as partnered streamers and the ad revenue is based on CPM (cost per 1000 impressions). To qualify, you need to meet certain criteria, such as having a minimum number of followers and total minutes viewed in the last 60 days. 


Similar to Twitch Bits, Stars are Facebook's on-platform currency that viewers can use to donate directly to you. Each Star donated is worth USD 0.01, and you receive 100% of the revenue earned from Stars. 

Viewers can purchase Stars, which they then donate to streamers during live broadcasts. Each Star is worth USD 0.01 to the streamer, and they receive 100% of the revenue from Stars. To qualify for Stars, you need to join Facebook's Level Up Program and meet specific broadcasting requirements.


These are viewers who subscribe to your channel for a monthly fee. In exchange, they receive perks such as a special badge, custom chat stickers, and exclusive content. 

Streamers can set their subscription price, ranging from $0.99 to $99.99. Initially, Facebook took a 30% cut of supporter revenue, but this changed in 2021, and now streamers keep 100% of supporter revenue. 

However, this only applies to desktop viewers; mobile subs still have a 30% revenue share.


Viewers can donate money directly to you through third-party platforms like PayPal.. You get to keep most of the donation, minus processing fees charged by the payment platform. While Facebook doesn't take a cut of these donations, PayPal does charge processing fees.

But if you use Crowdfundly instead, you get to keep your all. But why choose Crowdfundly, right? This is because, donations are crucial for funding various causes, and Crowdfundly offers numerous benefits for receiving them, such as:

  • Risk-Free Capital: Unlike traditional methods like bank loans or venture capital, Crowdfundly doesn't require collateral or equity. Plus, if your crowdfunding campaign fails, you won't be liable for any debt.
  • Lower Risk: With equity-based crowdfunding, investors only risk their investment if the business succeeds.
  • Flexible Campaigns: Crowdfundly offers various campaign options for different causes, including donation, sponsor, and crowdfunding campaigns.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Crowdfundly provides real-time tracking and analytics tools to monitor campaign performance and gather valuable insights.
  • User-Friendly and Cost-Effective: Overall, Crowdfundly offers a user-friendly and cost-effective way to receive donations and raise funds for various causes, ensuring you keep all the donations without deductions.


You can sell branded merchandise to your viewers, such as t-shirts, hoodies, and accessories. Platforms like Stream Elements make it easy to set up and sell merchandise.

Affiliate Marketing

By promoting products or services and including affiliate links, you can earn a commission for every purchase made through your link.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Once you have a solid following, you can collaborate with brands for sponsorship deals. These could include product placements, sponsored streams, or brand endorsements.

Special Services

You can offer specialized services to other streamers, such as branding and graphics design, content coaching, troubleshooting support, or video editing. These services can provide an additional stream of income.

By diversifying your revenue streams and engaging with your audience, you can build a sustainable income as a Facebook streamer, especially within the gaming community.

Tips That Help Me Stream Good On Facebook

From start to finish, I follow these tips to stream well on Facebook:

  • Ensure a stable internet connection, using Wi-Fi for mobile streaming and an ethernet cable for computer streaming.
  • Engage your audience using features like polls, shoutouts, pinned comments, and guest appearances.
  • Practice beforehand with test streams to ensure smooth operation and camera comfort.
  • Use good lighting, such as natural light or a ring light, to illuminate your face effectively.
  • Collaborate with other creators to boost engagement and reach.
  • Opt for longer live videos to enhance engagement and visibility on Facebook.
  • Consider having a moderator to manage the chat while you focus on streaming.
  • Utilize multistreaming to broadcast on multiple platforms simultaneously.
  • Edit and upload previous streams to other platforms for increased exposure.
  • End your stream with a call to action, encouraging viewers to follow you on social media or visit your website.

You can earn money on Facebook in various ways, all you need is to follow them from start to end. 


Can I Control Who Sees My Facebook Live Streams?

Yes, you can control who sees your Facebook Live streams by choosing the audience type when starting a broadcast. Options include public, private, or for specific groups, with additional age and location restrictions available.

Who Is The Biggest Facebook Gaming Streamer?

Some of the biggest Facebook Gaming streamers include KingSlayer, Darkness429, DooM49, GoodGameBro, Alodia Gosiengfiao, and Gina Darling, all of whom are Facebook partners.

How Do I Go Live On My Facebook?

You can go live on Facebook using either a mobile device or a computer. On mobile, use the Facebook app, while on a computer, you can use Facebook Live Producer or third-party broadcasting software like Restream Studio.

What Is The Most Streamed Game On Facebook?

The most streamed game on Facebook Gaming is PUBG Mobile, accumulating over 38 million hours watched in a month, making it a popular category among viewers.

How Much Is 10 Stars In Facebook Reels?

In Facebook Reels, 10 Stars are worth USD 0.10. Viewers can purchase Stars and send them to you while watching your reels, allowing you to monetize your content effectively.

Final Words: The Amount I Make As A Facebook Streamer

In conclusion, Facebook offers diverse opportunities for streamers to earn money through various avenues like in-stream ads, stars, supporters, donations, merchandise, and more. 

With dedication and creativity, streaming on Facebook can evolve into a fulfilling and sustainable career, allowing individuals to monetize their passions and engage with a global audience.

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