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What Is A Domestic Partnership On Facebook And How Does It Work?

April 4, 2024

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Hi. I’m Seth Godin. I’m a teacher, and I do projects. For more than thirty years, I’ve been trying to turn on lights, inspire people and teach them how to level up – Seth Godin

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A list looks like this:

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  2. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  3. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  4. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  5. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  6. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell

A domestic partnership on Facebook is a relationship status option for couples committed but not legally married. It acknowledges their bond publicly, similar to other statuses. It's a simple yet meaningful way to express commitment digitally.

To update your relationship status on Facebook, begin by logging in visiting your profile, and going to the "Family and Relationships." option. From there, select "Add your relationship status" and choose "In a Domestic Partnership" from the options. It allows you to share your domestic partnership status with your Facebook friends. 

By now, you should have a general idea of what a domestic partnership is and how it works on Facebook. Dive deeper into the details and discover how this feature works by delving into the following article. 

What Is A Domestic Partnership On Facebook?

What Is A Domestic Partnership On Facebook?

On Facebook, a domestic partnership status acknowledges committed relationships without legal marriage. It's an option for users to publicly recognize their relationship type, similar to other relationship statuses available on the platform.

What Relationship Is A Domestic Partnership?

A domestic partnership is a committed relationship where two individuals live together without being legally married. It offers similar benefits to marriage, such as cohabitation and mutual support, but lacks formal legal recognition.

First Social Media Platform To Allow Domestic Partnership

Facebook became the first social media platform to allow users to declare their domestic partnership status. 

This addition, made in 2011, was prompted by user demand for more accurate relationship status options, reflecting diverse relationship types beyond traditional marriage or singlehood.

Significance To Add Domestic Partnership As A Relationship

Significance To Add Domestic Partnership As A Relationship

The addition of domestic partnership as a relationship status on social media platforms like Facebook is significant for acknowledging and validating diverse forms of commitment. It reflects societal progress toward recognizing and normalizing relationships beyond traditional marriage. 

By accommodating users' relationship statuses, platforms like Facebook promote inclusivity and support for individuals in domestic partnerships. Also, when you are clear with your relationship status, your supporters will support your Facebook reels and you may earn $500 every day or more. 

Is More Than One Domestic Partnership Possible On Facebook?

No, Facebook allows users to declare only one domestic partnership at a time. If an individual has multiple partners, they cannot indicate all of them as domestic partners on their Facebook profile simultaneously. 

However, if a domestic partnership ends, the user can remove it from their profile and declare a new relationship status.

Does Facebook Recognize Domestic Partnerships Legally?

Yes, Facebook recognizes domestic partnerships as a relationship status on its platform. However, it's essential to note that legal recognition of domestic partnerships may vary by jurisdiction. 

While Facebook acknowledges this status, its legal implications depend on the laws of the state or country. Understanding local laws regarding domestic partnerships is crucial for individuals seeking legal recognition beyond social media platforms.

How Do People View Domestic Partnerships After Facebook Inclusion?

The inclusion of domestic partnership status on Facebook has shifted societal perceptions of relationships, fostering greater acceptance and visibility for diverse forms of commitment. 

By providing a platform for individuals to openly acknowledge their domestic partnerships, Facebook contributes to the normalization and representation of these relationships. 

This increased visibility promotes inclusivity and support for individuals in domestic partnerships, enhancing societal understanding and acceptance.

Steps To Change Relationship Status On Facebook:

Welcome to the world of Facebook relationships, where love is celebrated and connections are cherished. Are you ready to declare your commitment to your partner and proudly display your domestic partnership status? 

Join us as we explore the simple steps to add or change your relationship status on Facebook. Let's dive in and make your love official on the Facebook platform.

Changing To Domestic Partnership

To add or change your relationship status on Facebook to "In a Domestic Partnership," follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Facebook account and navigate to your profile.
  2. Click on your profile picture icon and then your profile name to access your profile.
  3. Select the "About" tab.
  4. Choose "Family and Relationships" from the left pane.
  5. Click on "Add your relationship status" and select "In a Domestic Partnership" from the drop-down menu.
  6. Enter your partner's name and adjust the privacy settings as desired.
  7. Click "Save" to confirm the changes.

If you want to change your relationship status from a domestic partnership to something else or vice versa, follow a similar process, editing the relationship status field accordingly. 

Benefits To Domestic Partnership Relationship Status

Declaring your domestic partnership on Facebook offers a range of benefits that extend beyond the digital realm. 


Declaring your domestic partnership on Facebook enhances the visibility of your relationship, making it more prominent to your friends and family. This visibility can validate your relationship and foster a sense of social acceptance.


By sharing your domestic partnership status on Facebook, you open the door for support and encouragement from your social circle. Friends and family can offer valuable emotional support, strengthening the bond between you and your partner.

Again, by leveraging Crowdfundly, creators like you can further engage with their followers, strengthening connections and fostering a sense of community around the domestic partnership. 

Crowdfundly provides creators with convenient monetization avenues, including donations, memberships, and digital shops. Also, it offers easy ways to make money, like taking donations or selling things online.


Adding your domestic partnership status on Facebook streamlines the tagging process for your partner in posts, photos, and other content. This accessibility facilitates easier engagement and interaction between you and your partner within the digital realm.


Displaying your domestic partnership on Facebook provides official recognition of your relationship status within the online community. This recognition not only validates your partnership but also contributes to its acknowledgment and respect from others.

Legal and Personal Benefits

Beyond the digital realm, domestic partnerships offer tangible benefits similar to those of married couples. These benefits vary by jurisdiction but may include access to family health insurance, family leave, visitation rights in hospitals and jails, and bereavement leave. 

From California's comprehensive recognition to more limited rights in places like Maryland and Ann Arbor, Michigan, domestic partnerships afford couples certain legal protections while acknowledging the unique nature of their relationship. 

Equality and Respect

The domestic partnership feature on Facebook promotes equality and respects individuals' rights to define their relationships according to their own terms. By offering this option, Facebook acknowledges diverse forms of commitment and fosters inclusivity within its platform.

Misconceptions About Domestic Partnership Relationship Status

Misconceptions about domestic partnership status abound on social media platforms like Facebook. One such misconception is the assumption that recognition on these platforms equates to legal recognition universally. 

However, Facebook's acknowledgment doesn't guarantee legal rights in all jurisdictions. Additionally, while privacy settings exist, they don't automatically control personal information visibility. 

Another fallacy is the belief that declaring a domestic partnership validates the relationship outright. While it enhances visibility, true validation extends beyond social media. 

Lastly, some erroneously think they can declare multiple domestic partnerships on Facebook, which isn't the case; only one partnership can be declared at a time. Understanding these nuances is crucial for users navigating these features.


Can Domestic Partners Collect Social Security Benefits?

Some same-sex couples in civil unions or domestic partnerships may qualify for benefits as a spouse or surviving spouse, subject to specific criteria. Contact Social Security for assistance, even if unsure of eligibility.

Can Everyone See My Relationship Status On Facebook?

Sharing your relationship status is optional on Facebook. You control who sees it by adjusting privacy settings. Choose who can view your status by navigating to your profile, then Family and Relationships, and selecting your preferred privacy setting.

Can You Hide Facebook Dating?

Facebook Dating provides choice and control over privacy. Your dating activity isn't shared on your profile or News Feed. You decide who sees your Dating profile and whether to disclose its use to your Facebook friends.

Is Domestic Partnership A Good Idea?

Created for same-sex couples when federal marriage laws differed, domestic partnerships offer benefits like no marriage tax penalty and legal rights for raising children. They remain an option even with nationwide same-sex marriage legality.

What Is An Example Of A Domestic Relationship?

A domestic relationship includes spouses, family members, household sharers, or individuals with close personal ties. This broad definition encompasses various forms of living arrangements and interpersonal connections.


In conclusion, declaring a domestic partnership on Facebook offers a simple yet meaningful way to publicly acknowledge commitment. This feature, introduced in 2011, reflects societal progress towards recognizing diverse relationship types. 

While it enhances visibility and validation, understanding legal implications and misconceptions is essential. Explore further to embrace inclusivity and celebrate love on social media.

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